We know that in everything God works for the good of those who love him. They are the people he called, because that was his plan. Romans 8:28

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Poor Pouty Me

     Well, I have to be honest.  I have been pouty all weekend.  Yep, I know I'm way too old to pout, but I am anyway.  When I tell you why, some of you will think I have lost my mind, but that's okay.  But those of you that really know me, won't be surprised. Do any of you realize what was happening exactly a year ago today?  Snow, snow, and more snow.  Today (actually it was the 9th, but it started on a Sunday) a year ago we had a gorgeous white view outside our window.  I should probably give you a little history on my love for snow.  Every since I was little, I have loved snow.  Growing up in Conway, we didn't get it every year, but when we did, I was the happiest girl in the world.  Sometimes it was ice.  I don't like ice, just snow.  I can remember one time when I was middle school aged and we got 11 inches.  I will never forget sitting in our living room and looking out the window watching it snow in the lights on the deck, and walking out in the front yard with my ruler and it almost going all the way down in the snow.  Then, I moved even further south, against my better judgement (he he he) where we get even less snow.
      A few years ago, I decided to use snow to help teach my kids a lesson in faith. When there was a tiny chance of snow in the forecast, I called a meeting with the kids in the living room (Grace said she thought someone had died).  I told them that if something was important to us, it was important to God, no matter how big or small. So I asked them if they really wanted it to snow, and they said yes!  So we prayed for snow, right then and there.  And guess what!  It did snow!  Not a lot, but regardless, it snowed.  It was a great example for my kids to see how prayer works.  We did talk about that if it didn't snow, that God heard us, but it just wasn't the time.  Because sometimes, the answers to our prayers are no.  Believe me, I have prayed for it many times and it didn't happen.  It actually happened two more times that winter, after we had prayed.  Nothing that you could build a snowman with, but it did snow.  So from then on, a snowflake became a symbol of faith to me.  I have one on a charm bracelet to remind me.            
     Fast forward to last Christmas...I got a snowflake necklace from my dad and stepmom.  I put it on that night, and wore it everyday.  So when we got the snow that started a year ago today, it was like God was saying, "Surprise!  You got it before you even asked this time!"  Needless to say, I loved last winter!  It was the first time my kids got to sled, play in the snow, throw snowballs, and build a snowman at our house.  And they got to share it with our friends and family, which was even more special.
All bundled up
Cousin fun

Sledding with the LeSieur girls

More cousin fun

     These are just a few of my snow pictures.  I actually have 6 folders of snow pictures!  I don't want to ever forget it.  Sometimes, I would lay in bed at night and go back through them on my ipad and just smile :)  Such happy memories for all of us.  
     So you have to forgive me that I got a little (okay...a lot) pouty when I saw that it was going to rain tonight, Monday and part of Tuesday.  If it wasn't so warm, it might possibly be snow.  I do have to tell you that I have high hopes for this winter.  The night I got out the old snowflake necklace and put it on for the first time, the next day it snowed (that snow we had for a few hours back the first week of December).  So that combined with the persimmon seed prediction (a shovel) gives me hope.  But even f we don't get any snow, I will be disappointed, but I'll keep on wearing my necklace and having faith.  
Maybe I should get a sun necklace and start praying for a cooler and wetter summer.....

Here are a few "crash" pictures to leave you with to make you smile.

Grace and Carson
Carson, Tori and Wyatt (part of him anyway)



Mary Liz and Wyatt



And last but Not least...Nona
Have a great week!!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Fun Memories from the Beach

Tonight on the way to supper, we were discussing the plans for skiing (hopefully) next Christmas.  I was talking to Eley about driving versus flying, where to go, and all that fun stuff.  He asked if we were going to go anywhere this summer.  I told him probably the beach....and silence.  The beach isn't his favorite place to go.  He would much rather spend the summer camping at Lake Greeson or Dierks.  So he was trying to be clever and ask the kids if they liked going to the beach.  Wyatt and Grace were for it, but Garrett said he didn't like to go because he would get sand in his trunks. This led to one of my most favorite memories from the beach.  And I promise it really is true.....

We were hanging out at the beach one day, about mid-afternoon.  Our normal beach routine is to sleep until we want to (my favorite part), get up and eat breakfast, go to the beach and stay until early afternoon, then go back to the condo and wait out the hottest part of the day inside.  Sometimes we head back in the evening for crab catching or just to enjoy the breeze.    We had stayed longer than usual that day, and I don't remember what we were doing that was keeping us there.  Most likely riding the waves or looking for shells.  Anywho, Wyatt had obviously had all the fun he could take, because he fell asleep in the beach chair.

Of course, I thought it was precious and we just went about our beach business.  

Like so...
And so...

After the big kids were tired, we started packing up all of our
 stuff we hauled down to the beach (my least favorite part).  
I must stop here and say that the beach is the one place where
 my kids will take multiple showers a day without being asked.  
They don't like the salt and sand on them.  So when we got back 
to the condo and got our things put away, they all went straight 
to their showers to get cleaned up and changed.  We were 
headed to Lulu's that night in Gulf Shores.  I was waiting
 my turn in the shower, when Wyatt came running into 
the living room, naked as jaybird.
  He hollered "There's a fish in my pants, there's a fish in my pants". 
 Now, for those of you that know Wyatt, you can understand that my
 first thought was that I didn't believe a word he was saying.  
I asked him what in the world he was talking about. 
 He then proceeded to show me the proof, 
as evidenced below:

Yep, that my friends, is the lining of his swim trunks, and yes, that is a dead fish (among other things, sheesh, no wonder they want to shower with all that stuff in their trunks!).  After we picked ourselves up off the floor from laughing, we took a short moment to reflect upon the untimely demise of the poor fish.  It had gotten stuck in his swimsuit and while he was napping, it bit the dust, so to speak.  Aside from feeling sorry for the fish, my question is, how in the world can there be a fish in your swimsuit and you not feel it??  He must have really been tired it all I can say.
Life with my family is NEVER dull :)
R.I.S. dear friend (rest in stink) 
For those of you who REALLY know Wyatt will appreciate that last statement!  

Have a great week!