We know that in everything God works for the good of those who love him. They are the people he called, because that was his plan. Romans 8:28

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

My Favorite Things

     One of my most favorite things to do is take pictures.  It's not something I want to do as a career, or even a side job.  It's just a lot of fun for me, and relaxing.  I love walking around our land and taking pictures of what I see.  Sometimes my dogs, sometimes my chickens or goats, my kids, or the different animals that come to visit our lake.  I haven't blogged in awhile, and since there is so much that has happened in the year since I have posted, it was almost over whelming.  So I thought I would start simple, and just post a few pictures I have taken right here in my back yard of some of my favorite things!

This is my Silver Laced Cochin rooster.  I have had him a year now, and that's a major record for a chicken at my house!  I have two of them, and a hen.  She is very gentle, but not a very good egg layer.

     This woodpecker has some sort of weird sixth sense about me!  Every time I come down the hill and get my camera out, it disappears! Then it will fly back when I put my camera up.  It's our own little joke now.

      This is my puppy, Miley.  I promised my husband if I kept a puppy from one of my litters, I would get both of my cocker spaniels fixed.  Here she is, and she is a MESS!!  I just wondered what she was thinking about when I took this...

       For the past several years, we have had a pair of Canada geese nest on our pond/lake (still not sure how it's classified).  This year she got her nest made on what we have named "Goose Island".  Then...the rain came and her nest was under water.  This happened a few years ago, and she laid again.  We are hoping that this will happen.  They have started coming around again, and Garrett told me yesterday she is back on the nest.  Hopefully, she will be able to hatch them this time.

     This Eastern Kingbird was in the back yard just a few days ago posing so nicely!  I just had to grab my camera and step out the back door to snap a picture.

     Next to my chickens, my favorite animals are my goats.  This year we had 14 kids!  Six sets of twins, and two singles.  Believe it or not, these two in this picture are twins!

Even goat kids like to play too!

They were a lot smaller here, but can you tell the dad was black headed?

These twins are named Snow and Ice.  They were born in our last snow of this year.  I wasn't sure they were going to make it, but they did and are looking great!  When they are little, they like to lay in the feed bowls.  I think the black absorbs the heat and makes them feel cozy.

      This was our last baby of the year, and he is a cutie!  His mom, Hershey, belongs to Garrett.  Our rule at the house is, whomever owns the mom, gets to name the baby.  I was really pushing for Oreo, but he decided on Lucky.

Well, I have some other favorites, but I think I will save them for another time.  I am hoping I can make a better habit of this this time!

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