We know that in everything God works for the good of those who love him. They are the people he called, because that was his plan. Romans 8:28

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

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On February 20 it was Children's Ministry Day. The kids from Cross Point Cowboy Church packed up cookies and delivered them to prospects for our church and people we haven't seen in awhile. It was really neat for the kids (and adults) to go out and visit with people and invite them to church. What made it even more powerful, the next day several of the people the different teams went to visit, came to church. My nieces were on my team and it was really neat to see them excited about the people they had visited being in church. You never know what small act of kindness, and taking just a little time, means to someone else.

My First Blog!

I have wanted to start my own blog for a long time, and finally have! I am excited to finally have a place to post my thoughts and pictures! I hope that you enjoy reading this, and sometimes maybe even if I am really on a roll, receive a blessing!