We know that in everything God works for the good of those who love him. They are the people he called, because that was his plan. Romans 8:28

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Day # 3...the day that I thought would never end!

I started out this morning bright and early.  I had the alarm set for 6:30.  I woke up, saw the sunlight, and checked the time on my ipad.  It was almost 6:30, so I got up and got my stuff together for a shower.  When I checked my phone, it was really just after 5:30!  My ipad hadn't reset its time.  By that time I was already awake, so I just stayed up.  We were packed, had eaten breakfast, and pulled away by 7:30.  I checked the road conditions on the Wyoming department of transportation, and one of the roads was closed leading into Jackson due to flooding, so we had to reroute ourselves in a different direction, adding an hour.  So what I thought was supposed to be an 8 hour trip, now was over 10.
We hadn't gone too far, when we swung by Devil's Tower National Monument.  It was neat to think about how it was formed.

Devil's Tower

After we left there, we headed west across the state of Wyoming.  Right outside of Sheridan, we started going up and over the Bighorn Mountains.  We had been watching them get closer, but it was fun to start driving up them.

We hadn't been driving long when I took this.  Wyatt was too scared to get out!

We continued up and over the mountains.  It took most of the day to work our way up and across.  But we were so happy with what was up there!!  SNOW!  I couldn't believe it, on July 3, there was still snow on the ground!

Once we got over the mountains and started down, the landscape drastically changed.  It went from a springtime feel in the mountains (it reminded me of Colorado with the snow and wildflowers) to what I would think Arizona or New Mexico would look like.  I had NO idea part of Wyoming looked like this.  I am going to add a few pictures of what was on the back side of the Bighorn Mountains.

Like I said, I had no idea part of Wyoming looked like this.  We kept driving on until we went through Cody, and on into the east entrance to Yellowstone.  I could not get over all the snow!  I knew I had been reading about all of the record snow levels and flooding due to the melting snow pack, but it was unreal!  We saw it all throughout the park in different spots.  In the woods, in parking lots, by the side of the road...crazy.

As we worked our way down through Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons, we stopped a few times for various views and/or wildlife.  I will end with a few of these.  We finally made it to Jackson, in only 14 hours!  I thought I would go mad!  The kids did really well though.  Tomorrow we were supposed to go white water rafting, but they called and due to the high water levels, they aren't permitting children under 10 to go.  And I really appreciate them being so cautious, even though we were disappointed.  I didn't want this to be a frightening experience.  So they switched us to the 13 mile scenic trip with lunch.  I am sure that will be fun, too.  I just hate I can't take my camera with me.  But water and cameras don't mix.  I am also planning on taking our pictures tomorrow night in our matching shirts.  The kids have been properly warned.  Hopefully they will turn our great and I will have some to post tomorrow night!  Thanks for all the prayers for safe travel!

This guy was on the side of the road in Bighorn National Forest

Obviously not an animal, this was Shell Falls in Bighorn

Bison in Yellowstone

This view was across Yellowstone Lake

This guy was also right on the side of the road in Yellowstone

I know its almost impossible to see, but this is a grizzly bear with two cubs
in Grand Teton National Park, with Jackson Lake in the background.
Just so you can appreciate it, here is where the grizzly was
zoomed out!  I love these mountains!

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